I was reminded this week that we ALL have a story to share. A story where dreams don’t come true and where deep grief and hurt reside as permanent residents. Rick Warren once said, “Hurt people hurt people.” What a perspective shift, right?
Perspectives are shifted by our external factors, our focus, emotional state, and everything we are carrying on our plates. And while that’s true, my father-in-law used to tell me all the time “Perception is reality.” Since we all experience and perceive things differently, it really makes sense when you think about it.
If you add all of those little bits of wisdom together:
We’ve all experienced hurt + hurt people hurt people + perception is reality… it’s the equation for a perfect storm. But, if we added Jesus to the equation before solving, it would go something like this:
We’ve all experienced hurt + hurt people hurt people + perception is reality + Jesus = Grace.
When we add Jesus to the equation, it allows us to take a step back, breathe in grace, and move forward in the forgiveness that’s already been extended to us undeservingly. It gives us an opportunity to move forward instead of staying stuck.
Some of us are stuck.
Some of us need to extend grace to others.
Some of us need to forgive ourselves.
Some of us need to forgive God.
Paul said, “...be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ” (Ephesians 4:32). Can you imagine the type of world we would live in if that was part of our mission statement? Additionally, Paul also said, “I am able to do all things through Him [Jesus] who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
So sure, friends: “Hurt people hurt people” (Rick Warren). But Jesus… He forgives hurt people AND helps hurt people forgive other hurt people. Friends, we have the power to choose to be givers of grace and to pull our strength from the well that never runs dry, Jesus. Let’s embrace that truth and walk in the freedom only He can give us.
Have a great week.